Aspects of my Buddhist life

Welcome. This site reflects different aspects of my Buddhist life. You’ll find articles on meditation and Buddhism, as well as details of all my books, plus my teaching programme and various other things. Just browse the headings and see what you find. And below...

Fifty Years Ago Today…

On this day in 1974, I joined the Triratna Buddhist Order, and received my new name, Vessantara. I can’t quite believe it. Things were so undeveloped back then that I don’t even have any photos of the event to prove to myself that it happened. But I do...

Spaces for Order Members at Rivendell

From the 7th – 14th of June, I’m leading an Order meditation retreat at Rivendell, in Sussex, UK. For a long time it was waiting list only, but now they have been able to make some more spaces available. It would be great to have a full house and, apart...

Gems from the Diamond Sutra.

Less than a month to go now until my next retreat for Order members, called Gems from the Diamond Sutra. It will be a meditation retreat exploring some of the main themes and images from the sutra. Dates are 24th April – 3rd May, and you can attend in person at...

Last Chance of Freedom

This weekend my next retreat begins at Rivendell Retreat Centre in Sussex UK.  It’s on Turning our Mind towards Freedom, and is open to any experienced meditator (say 2 or 3 years of meditation) who is familiar with the Triratna approach to Buddhism. It’s...

A New Podcast and Meeting the Buddhas.

A little while ago Dhammamegha from Windhorse Publications interviewed me for the latest edition of their podcast. We chatted about the new edition of my book Meeting the Buddhas, and what it means to meditate on Buddhist figures that embody qualities like love,...

Nature of Mind Events.

This is a quick note to make you aware that I’m doing a series of events for Order members as part of the Nature of Mind programme that Adhisthana is running this year. There is an introductory online evening on 1st April, an online day event on the 3rd, and a...

Back From the Gower Retreat

It has been a while since I posted here, mainly because I spent January and February leading a retreat for Order members at a venue on the Gower Peninsula in South Wales. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole event. We had an excellent team, a great bunch of retreatants, the...

More Retreats in 2022

I’ve now finalised some more retreats for 2022, and if you look at my teaching programme you’ll find details of four more retreats. In April, I’ll be back at Adhisthana, to lead the first of a planned series of retreats for Order members on some of...

Vijayamala’s Bardos Retreat at Taraloka

As Vijayamala doesn’t have her own website, I put details of retreats she is leading on my Teaching Programme page, so people can follow her future plans. So I’ll also announce here that she has had to cancel the retreat that she was due to lead at...

Back in the Saddle…

Well, after having to cancel the events I was going to do in June because of ill health, it was all the more delightful to get back in the saddle (or on the cushion) a couple of weeks ago. I was due to lead a 10-day retreat at Adhisthana at the end of July, and as the...

Cancelling Rivendell Online Retreat.

Sadly, I’ve just had to cancel what I was going to do for Rivendell online this month as I’ve had some health problems. I’m sorry not to be able to run anything for Rivendell this year, and not to see all of you who were booked to attend. I should be...

Ocean of True Meaning Retreat Cancelled.

Sadly, I’ve just had to cancel the online Ocean of True Meaning retreat that was due to begin this Friday. I’ve had some health problems over the last few weeks, and am not currently in good enough shape to do it. I’m hoping  these health issues...

Seven Point Mind Training part 2

I am very much looking forward to the second of the 2 retreats I am leading for Order members  at Adhisthana on 7 point mind training, which starts next Thursday, the 18th March. (Although it’s the second of two, you don’t need to have attended the first...

A Thousand Years of Wisdom

(Geshe Chekawa, compiler of the Seven-Point Mind Training) I spent the days up to New Year co-leading the online Love Without Limits retreat with Advayasiddhi.  It was great that over 180 of you could join us.  I also really enjoyed our meditation after the retreat to...

Kathleen Raine: “Amo Ergo Sum” 

Kathleen Raine: “Amo Ergo Sum”  Because I love The sun pours out its rays of living gold Pours out its gold and silver on the sea. Because I love The earth upon her astral spindle winds Her ecstasy-producing dance. Because I love Clouds travel on the winds through...

June Online Retreats for Rivendell

For years now, I’ve spent two very happy weeks each June at Rivendell Retreat Centre in Sussex, with its beautiful garden. Next year, I shall be doing my two weeks for them as usual, but with Covid  and the uncertainty about how things will be next year, even...

Three Online Retreats

After thoroughly enjoying leading the online retreat on the Bodhicitta Practice last month, I’ve signed up to do 3 more online retreats. There’s one I’ve already advertised here,  for Order members under the auspices of Adhisthana, starting next...

November Retreat – Arrangements for Aus/NZ

Next month I shall be leading another online retreat for Order members, following on from the very successful one on the Bodhicitta Practice we held last month, which had 135 participants. Dates are the 7th – 12th of November, and we’ll be going deeper...

Upcoming Online Order Retreat – November 07-12

In my last post I talked about the online Order retreat that I’d just done at Adhisthana.  I appreciated the retreat so much that I promptly signed up to do another one. So I’ll be back online from Adhisthana , from the 7th – 12th of November, doing...

Retreat Plans

I’ve spent nearly the whole of 2020 doing personal retreat at home. I had a personal retreat scheduled anyway for January to March, which went well.  Then I emerged just in time for Prime Minister Boris Johnson to announce the beginning of the Covid 19 lockdown....

Tales of Freedom for Free!

My good friends at Windhorse Publications are responding to the current pandemic by giving you the chance to download a free book every week, in an initiative they’re calling Free the Dharma. This week’s offering is my book Tales of Freedom. You can take...

2019, and Future Plans…

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any news here, so I’ll give a short overview of last year, which saw some big changes on the material level. It started with getting married on the 2nd of January, mainly for financial reasons, although it was good...

Two-Month Order Retreat in Sweden, Places Available

Vijayamala and I will be leading a 2-month retreat, open to all Order members, at Dharmagiri, Triratna’s Swedish retreat centre, from the 15th May to 13th July this year. Some people have recently dropped out and there are now 2 places available. If you’re interested...

Two-Month Order Retreat in 2021

This year Vijayamala and I held a 3-month Order retreat in a rented hotel on the Gower Peninsula in South Wales. The retreat and venue worked very well, so we are now planning to hold another one, this time for 2 months, in Jan. and Feb. 2021. However, we are still...

Listening to the Heart

Earlier this year I had the chance to record my book about Loving-Kindness meditation, The Heart, which I wrote as part of Windhorse Publications’ series on The Art of Meditation. Now you can listen to it here on Audible. The book gives an introduction to ways...

Tonglen – Guided Meditations

Over the years I’ve taught a lot about tonglen – the practice of love and compassion combined with awareness of the breath. Usually I’ve taken the teaching deeper with guided meditations. Now Nagesvara has kindly gone through many of the recordings...

Talks on Dealing with Overwhelm

I’m just back from leading a 3-month retreat in South Wales. (I’ll aim to post something about that very soon!) For now I want to recommend 2 talks that Taranita gave recently at the Bristol Buddhist Centre. They’re based on my article about ways to...

Padmasambhava – an Insider’s View

Last year I visited the Dublin Buddhist Centre and gave a talk called Padmasambhava Practice – a Personal Unfolding. As the title suggests, it was quite a personal take on the experience of practising visualization and mantra...

‘The Breath’ as an Audiobook.

I recently spent a very enjoyable day with my friend Jinamitra (Nicolas Soames). He runs Dharma Audiobooks, which has some very good recordings of Dharma material. We were making an audio recording of my book The Breath, which is an in-depth introduction to the...

Guided Meditations on the System of Practice

There is a lot of audio material that you can listen to online from retreats that I’ve led over the last few years. That includes a set of 5 retreats I did at Adhisthana, exploring the different aspects of the mandala of practice that was outlined in his...

Death of Sangharakshita

31st October 2018. My teacher and friend since 1973, Sangharakshita died yesterday at the age of 93. After hearing the news, last night I dreamt that I was in a large garden with several people. I looked around and there was Sangharakshita, walking down a flight of...

Dealing with Overwhelm

As we all know, modern life can be overwhelming, especially as we move into very troubled times. It’s an issue that comes up often when I’m teaching, and I’ve found myself responding by coming up with a number of ways of working with it from a...

Dates for your 2019 Diary

A central principle of mindfulness and meditation is staying in the present and not letting mind speed off into the future. However,  being a meditation teacher involves quite a bit of future planning, in my case up to two years ahead.  So for those of you who also...

2018 — More Events.

I’ve recently added a couple of weekend events at Buddhist centres to my teaching programme for next year.  Most of my teaching is done within the Triratna Order, so I try to highlight opportunities for mitras and others within Triratna to come along and...

Spiritual Receptivity Retreat Recordings

Back in the summer I led another retreat for Order members on Spiritual Receptivity. The retreat focused on formless meditation/just sitting, exploring it from different angles. The recordings are now all available here. Many thanks to Padmakumara, Akasajoti and the...

Some Dates for Your Diary

I’ve now updated my teaching schedule with all the retreats of more than a weekend that I have planned for 2018. As usual, most of what I do is for Order members. I feel sad that I’m not offering more for other people, but at the moment the Order is where...