Latest news

The coming year

Happy 2025! I will be concentrating on writing a book on sadhana this year, so the retreats I am leading are very limited, but what I am doing this year has now been added and so  have Vijayamala’s retreats. We particularly want to draw attention to the retreat she is doing at Vajraloka for experienced meditators in early March which still has places.


Also I have added a new transcript of an Avalokitesvara retreat together with extensive practice resources for those Order Members who practice the sadhana. You can find this under transcripts and practice resources. Click to view

Aspects of my Buddhist life

Welcome to aspects of my buddhist life. I’ve been practising meditation since 1969, and since 1974 I’ve been a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order founded by my main teacher Sangharakshita. Here you’ll find articles on meditation and Buddhism, as well as details of all my books, plus my teaching programme and various other things. Just browse the headings. 

Wherever in the world you’re from, very best wishes to you!


Teaching programme

A lot of the events I do are very popular, and fill up quickly. It is always worth putting yourself down on the waiting list, as people often have to cancel for one reason or another. 


I have written a number of books on Buddhist meditation, on some of its deities and symbols, and the deeper meaning and significance of Dharma practice.

Cover artwork, The Heart, Vessantara


Puja is a ritual, or ceremony,  that includes reflection, chanting and offerings that deepen appreciation of The Buddha and his teachings. A pujs is usually dedicated to a specific teacher or deity in the Buddhist traditon.

From time to time I write, edit or compile pujas to various figures, for use on retreats that I lead.  Here are links to three of the most requested ones, but there is a page dedicated to pujas

Morning verses

To motivate you for the day.


The “morning star” puja, one of a set dedicated to the Five Female Buddhas.


Compiled by Vessantara, from a puja written by Kamalashila, and adapted from Vessantara’s puja to Pandaravasini.