Spaces for Order Members at Rivendell

From the 7th – 14th of June, I’m leading an Order meditation retreat at Rivendell, in Sussex, UK. For a long time it was waiting list only, but now they have been able to make some more spaces available. It would be great to have a full house and, apart...

Gems from the Diamond Sutra.

Less than a month to go now until my next retreat for Order members, called Gems from the Diamond Sutra. It will be a meditation retreat exploring some of the main themes and images from the sutra. Dates are 24th April – 3rd May, and you can attend in person at...

Last Chance of Freedom

This weekend my next retreat begins at Rivendell Retreat Centre in Sussex UK.  It’s on Turning our Mind towards Freedom, and is open to any experienced meditator (say 2 or 3 years of meditation) who is familiar with the Triratna approach to Buddhism. It’s...

A New Podcast and Meeting the Buddhas.

A little while ago Dhammamegha from Windhorse Publications interviewed me for the latest edition of their podcast. We chatted about the new edition of my book Meeting the Buddhas, and what it means to meditate on Buddhist figures that embody qualities like love,...

Nature of Mind Events.

This is a quick note to make you aware that I’m doing a series of events for Order members as part of the Nature of Mind programme that Adhisthana is running this year. There is an introductory online evening on 1st April, an online day event on the 3rd, and a...